Since 2005, Conquer Termites has developed a culture of safety and trust as they step into homes we serve. Going the extra mile, we’re developing a partnership with Safe Haven Community; an organization that seeks to get people out of abusive relationships before it becomes violent. While there isn’t much space available in refuges and centers, Safe Haven Community tries to find people that are willing to donate their spare rooms in their homes. These rooms serve as safe havens where people could recover from abusive and/or violent relationships. It is like an AirBNB that’s specially intended to rebuild people’s lives from domestic violence. Safe Haven Community also provides the services for the people in these rooms, guiding the recovery process and is closely involved in every step of the way. If you have a spare room that you’d like to donate, or would like to read about successful stories of recovery and healing from abusive relationships, go to or you could call Conquer Termites Northside at 07-3356-8801 for more information.