Termites getting eaten by green ant at North Brisbane
Doing an inspection last Thursday and we came across a live termite nest in the customers front retaining wall, we opened up the nest to determine the species and found it was Microcerotermes sp.
Termite lead, subfloor in Kippa Ring
Regular inspections especially under your homes as you will be surprised to find out what can be driving down there in the form of a turbo trailer.
Termite Mound at Dayboro
Today during a routine inspection we found a termite mound on top of a retaining wall.
Ant infestation at Nundah
With rain about so pests are on the move. Be on the lookout for ants revealing themselves in odd places.
Termite infestation at Chermside
The damage from termites is costly and affects the structural integrity of your home.
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